2013 is nearly over, hip hip hooray! Not that it really matters because even though people like to believe that a new year means suddenly everything will be better that just isn't the case. The fact it's a different number just means we'll all get confused when writing the date.
Anyway, lets all admit it, 2013 hasn't really been a brilliant year for the majority of people. (and contrary to what I just said i do hope 2014 is fabulous for you all) and it's really easy to focus on all the terrible things that happened through out the year. So i'm writing this purely to help me realize that 2013 wasn't all bad..
Things I'm proud of:
While I didn't pass any a-levels and managed to drop out of two college courses I did manage some equally as important things that even though they won't help me with my future I'm still quite proud...
I completed 290 levels on candy crush ( Sad, I know). I didn't kill myself or anyone else! I ate in front of people. I managed (for a short while) to put recovery first. I started going to church again. I made a half decent army-tank cake. I attempted to go back into education. This blog got over 2400 page views! I didn't catch herpes. I didn't get addicted to drugs. (The last two are just to make my list seem longer..)
Good things that happened:
I had the best birthday I've ever had (Thanks Jilly!). I got to lay in the dark with my friends and watch shooting stars! I got to watch the sunset from the top of warwick castle. God gave me the most wonderful friend I could I ask for. A lot of summer was spent intoxicated with my friends. I cant think of anymore but i'm sure their was more than that!
This year I'm going to do that thing where you write down every good thing that happens on a piece of paper, fold it up and put it in a jar and on NYE'14 you look at all the good things that happened, how cool is that?!
Well, I hope you all have a wonderful night if you're going to be welcoming the new year in and I hope each and every one of you has an absolutely brilliant year because you all deserve to! xxx