Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Silence speaks louder than words?

When babies are born they cry, It's a sign that they are healthy. They cry when they're hungry, cold, need changing, whatever. As they grow up into toddlers they aren't afraid to tell you when they're hurting, what they are feeling and why. When a small child needs help, they raise their voice, they want to be heard.

So, why, as we grow older does that change? What suddenly made the cry for help become a whisper?

We changed it. With our cruel words, selfishness and judgmental ways. Nobody feels able to open up in fear of rejection, in case their problems are dismissed as 'Attention seeking'. People walk around with a smile to mask their true feelings, but what lays behind the smile could be a completely different story. Abuse, self harm, starvation, suicidal thoughts, alcoholism?

We don't even think about the fact that behind closed doors that smile could vanish. People you know and love could be in desperate need of help and we can't give it them because we can't hear them anymore. We have silenced their cry. When we ask people how they are, they lie, they say "I'm fine" but in reality they are hurting.

During my deepest struggles I convinced people I was 'Fine' in an attempt to avoid the labels and cruel words people would associate me with. Eating disorder? ButArentYouTooFat. Self Harm? AttentionSeeking/Weird/Stupid/Selfish. Depressed? YourLifeIsntThatBad/Freak/Antisocial. I wasn't fine but I could not admit it because of peoples ignorance and unwillingness to understand.

I can guarantee someone you know is struggling and so badly wants help. You don't know it though because the lies and plastered on smiles have us fooled. But will it get the sufferer anywhere? No.

We need to start showing people we care, we need to accept that just like when a baby cries it isn't attention seeking, they need help. We need to show people that its okay to ask for help, that you won't judge them or dismiss them. We need people to open up without fear, before it becomes too late.