Monday, 16 September 2013

Self injury

Like 90% of my other posts i'm not entirely sure of what I'm trying to say or how to word it. So if you haven't guessed by the title this post is on self injury.

Firstly I'd like to say that people need to stop romanticizing self harm. It's not something that the opposite sex (or the same sex, whatever you're in to) is going to find pretty or poetic or interesting. It is not cute it is not going to make people suddenly fall in love with you and its not 'tragically beautiful'. Boys aren't going to want to kiss every one of your scars when they first see them, don't believe it when you read rubbish like that on tumblr.

Secondly don't go bitching about other peoples injuries. Like seriously I am sick of hearing people say behind a self harmers back 'they don't even look that bad' STOP RIGHT THERE OKAY. Self harm is self harm. Whether deep enough to need stitches or whether it barely scratches the surface. Whether they punch themselves, burn themselves, pull their hair, cut themselves or anything else that hurts it is self harm. Whether they've done it once or a thousand times it is still self harm. Whatever their injury, however deep or 'bad' it is every self-harmer is hurting emotionally. As well as this, Stop saying that they're just 'attention seeking' when most of the time they'll go out of their way to hide the fact they do it. If they have done it for attention its because they NEED the attention. They need help and maybe they're too scared to out-right ask for it. Stop judging them.

Also, stop posting millions of facebook status' about self harm just for likes. It's almost like these people are making it seem like self-harm is an okay thing to do, it's not. Im not saying its wrong to self-harm im saying that there is better ways to deal with your emotions and people need to promote those rather than promote self-harm. Self harm is serious not some romantic, cute, clever thing. Not something to post about on facebook when you want likes on a status please bare in mind that some people may find posts like these triggering!

I'll post soon on alternatives to self-harm which will hopefully help anyone struggling rather than glamorizing self-injury like the rest of you. Sorry if this makes no sense but I needed to rant, byeeeeee.

 - To all the people who do self-harm, I honestly hope that you'll find an alternative way to deal with whatever you're going through. Please surround yourself with people who are willing to support you through this period of time (People who you feel you can give blades to, people you can talk to when you have urges). It also might be worth looking at THIS website, it has self help guides for self injury and other mental illnesses. Also please remember to look after your wounds - keeping them clean to avoid infections. If you accidentally cut too deep or something please go to A&E to get the appropriate treatment.  If you have me on facebook please dont hesitate to message me in times of struggle. 

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