Tuesday, 18 February 2014

trigger warning

Everywhere I look (okay, only twitter, facebook and tumblr) there's this daft saying floating about.
"Suicidal people are just angels that want to go home"

And I think if i see this somewhere one more time I am going to scream. STOP ROMANTICIZING AND GLAMORIZING SUICIDE. Suicidal people are not angels, they are human beings, human beings with mental illnesses. They do not want to go 'home' they want the pain to stop.

They need love, support and real fucking help. They do not need people to try and turn suicide into some kind of cute shitty poetic bollocks.  It is a serious and already misunderstood problem that people need to stop sugar coating and  romanticizing.  So if you could all just stop for a second and offer real support instead of some bullshit quote that makes suicide seem like a perfectly normal and okay thing to do that would be much appreciated.

If you are suicidal and need support please ring one of these numbers. You can also google to see if your local mental health people have a crisis team that you can call.
Samaritans: 08457 909090
Child line: 0800 1111
NHS Direct:  0845 4647

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