Thursday, 1 January 2015

Things 2014 has taught me

As 2014 has drawn to a close and I have no social life I thought I may as well stay in y pajamas and write a pointless post on things that I have learnt this year. Here goes...

  • God is good. For the most part I knew this was true but this year i've felt it more than ever. I've listened to amazing testimonies and watched people's lives change for the better. God has done amazing things for so many people in my life this year and it's been wonderful to see/hear.
  • I was born in the wrong country. I fitted in better in South Africa, the food was great and the weather was wonderful and therefor I should of been born there.
  • Depression doesn't rule my life. Rewind 18 months and I was spending too much time in bed overthinking things and convincing myself I'd be dead within 12 months. Now, I hold down a a full time job and despite somedays being a struggle breathing doesn't seem like a chore anymore. 
  • If someone cares about my weight they don't care about me. That's right, if someone mentions my weight gain despite knowing I've battled with eating disorders they have no place in my life. If my body bothers you, fuck off. 
  • Being 18 isn't that great. Everyone's always like ''woo 18, can legally drink lets go smack blah blah blah'' Actually it's no different to being 16 but it's now legal. (Only good thing is I can buy y own fags now!)
  • Pajamas are fabulous. I don't need to dress up on a friday night in something uncomfortable to get attention from people I don't know. Nothing beats a long week at work than a bubble bath and cozy pajamas, i love it. 
  • I can't please everyone. And even attempting too is just a headache and a mistake. As long as I'm doing what makes me happy that's all that matters. 
  • Self care isn't selfish. I am allowed to take care of myself, I am allowed to pray for myself and I am allowed to try to love myself. It doesn't make me selfish I am just important as every other human.
  • Meat tastes good. And I am now a part time vegetarian, yum. 
  • Everyone has a story. Usually heartbreaking or at very least really interesting. 
  • Taking 20 laxatives at a time isn't worth it to 'lose weight'. This one is self explanatory and actually disgusting but that's the reality of an eating disorder. 
  • Doctors are shit. I don't need doctors to 'fix me' I need God to heal me.
  • I don't need to be afraid of everything. I was scared of going to Africa, that was silly. I spent a lot of time worrying that y house would set on fire, it didn't. I've always been petrified of people i've just met touching me 'cause i sure they're going to hurt me, no one did. 
  • Mental illness is often judged by physical criteria. That's shit.
  • I need to make time to do things. While working is all well and good I haven't had much opportunity to do what I enjoy, baking, sleeping, getting lost on a long walk to no where, weeding my garden,  and I certainly didn't spend enough time with God. 
  • Top Deck. is the best chocolate I have ever tasted and I need it back in my life.

    While 2014 hasn't been as good I'd of liked it to be it certainly hasn't been my worst year (How could it be when I got to go to Africa for 6 weeks???) I am so grateful for the handful of people who made this year one of my better ones. Thankyou to the people who have loved me through the hard times and laughed with me in the goodtimes. Here's to (hopefully) a HAPPY 2015. 

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