Tuesday, 28 May 2013


I should be doing my college work, but it's too hard and i'm too dumb. So instead i'm playing candy crush, listening to this and writing a blog post because of an ignorant tweet. If this makes the slightest bit of sense then that's wonderful

But here is my wonderful rant about a tweet a saw saying "I wish I was anorexic", I'm assuming they mean they wish they were skinny. Anorexic isn't a synonym for skinny, is that clear? Eating disorders come in one size, and it isn't skinny. It's miserable. Whether you fit into size 0 jeans or size 30 jeans you will be miserable and that is guaranteed.

Anorexia isn't all rainbows and butterflies it isn't all thighgaps, hip bones and male attention. Anorexia isn't a magical cure for all your problems, anorexia isn't beautiful or glamorous or something to strive towards. So why oh why would you wish a mental illness upon yourself, a mental illness in which 1 in 5 sufferers will die prematurely. Anorexia isn't the definition of skinny, happy and beautiful. Anorexia isn't having a bikini body, feeling comfortable in your own skin or the latest in-fashion accessory.

Anorexia is, on the other hand, clumps of hair falling out while lanugo hair grows on your face and arms. It is never being good enough for yourself. It is skipping meals and lying to those closest to you. It's shivering in the middle of summer because your body cant keep you warm. It's hating your body, stepping on scales that weigh your self-worth. It's nights spent crying because you ate more than 100 calories. It's family members and friends stood watching feeling helpless as you dig yourself an early grave with your own knife and fork. It's thinking about food 24/7 but not having the courage to eat it.  It's infertility, malnutrition, heart failure, death.

Wishing an eating disorder upon yourself is stupid, rant over.

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