Monday, 6 May 2013

Caution: Mental Illness.

Why is mental health something that very few people seem able to talk about? There's more people with mental illness than there is with dandruff. I know a staggering amount of people with various mental illnesses who don't talk about it and struggle on their own. But why?

I'm well aware it's not the easiest subject to bring up, I know for me personally when my mind is screaming loudly my mouth falls silent. Why are we too ashamed to speak up when we are down? It isn't just the suffers who struggle to find the words though. It's the friends, family, colleagues of the person who also don't talk about it. - Ignoring that there is a problem, hoping someone else will help them, afraid to ask them how they are. But why?

Why is it if a person has the flu they'll gladly write a facebook status about how many times they've been sick and boast about the 6 boxes of tissues they've used in just one day. Or when a person breaks an arm it's covered in a brightly coloured cast that just screams 'Look at me!' and then they proclaim to all their friends "Sign my cast!". They aren't afraid to let someone know whats wrong with them, in some cases down to the most disgusting details.

So why is mental illness different? Now I'm not suggesting for a second that a self harmer should post a facebook status when they have the urge to hurt themselves or that a person with OCD should boast about the amount of time's they've washed their hands. But should they not be able to talk about it when they want, to who they want with out fearing judgement or ignorance?

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