Friday, 7 June 2013

I hate the word fat.

We live in a society that promotes skinny. A society that fat shames. A society that cares so much about looks that nobody cares about the inside anymore. Young girls and boys are being told that if they don't look a certain way that they do not fit in. Except nobody realizes that if our definition of beautiful got any smaller nobody would fit, not even the size 0 girls, sorry!

Every where we look weightloss is the focus and fat is perceived as ugly, lazy, unhealthy, greedy... TV adverts tell us if we take this diet pill, or do this exercise or join this group or follow this diet we will lose weight and be happy. But skinny does not mean happy. Skinny is not a cure for the underlying issues. Having  skinny parading in front of us in the form of mannequins, models and actors/actresses in our favorite program just is not okay.

Poking fun at 'fat' people is almost second nature now and it needs to stop. Just because someone is not below a size 12 doesn't mean they aren't human. Whatever size a person is they have feelings, needs, wants, hopes and dreams just like everybody else. Why should it matter what size someone is, beauty doesn't need to be defined by the size of someones jeans, the size of someones waist shouldn't affect their worth. The number on the scales does not measure how wonderful a person is! The outside isn't even important so why does everyone care so much about how they look as well as how everyone else looks.

In the olden days (My history is terrible) being larger was a good thing, it showed you had wealth or something like that. Not too many years ago size 0 didn't exist and Marilyn Monroe was considered a beautiful model. These days she would be considered as 'plus size'. People wonder why so many girls have eating disorders, they weren't born hating their bodies though, they were taught how to. We taught them that skinny is beautiful, strong, the key to success. Skinny means having great friends, a boyfriend, and an end to all our problems.

Skinny is beautiful, but you know what? So is fat, so is average, curvy, tall, short, freckles, blonde hair, ginger hair, brown hair, white skin, black skin and everything in-between-skin, blue eyes, green eyes, brown eyes, short hair, long hair, no hair, wide thighs, thigh gaps, big feet, small feet (Actually, as a general rule feet are vile). Contact lenses, glasses, slanty eyes, normal eyes, wang eyes, curly hair, straight hair, skinny arms, muscly arms, big arms, small tummies, wide tummies. Whatever you look like, whatever you weigh, you are beautiful, society is the ugly one.