I spend a good 99% of my timing wanting to be back in South Africa. It's all I talk about and the only place I want to be. Things were better there, it's hard to explain why but i'm going to give it ago anyway.
I was me, Nobody who met me knew anything about me, my past or my mental health. The one's who did find out how weird I am weren't scared by it, they accepted me. I walked around in short sleeves nobody commented on my scars there was no 'Whatthefuckdidyoudo? Thatsdisgusting' They were just part of me. Nobody drew attention to them, nobody questioned, nobody stared. It was nice to be me.
The sun was shining pretty much all the time, it was beautiful. Not like England where it's dark and miserable and raining all the time, the sun makes everything better.
People are kinder. Nobody ever pointed out somebody elses oddly-shaped nose or the fact someone was bigger than a size 6. People walked around with bin-bags on their head and clothes that clashed but that's okay. People actually talk to one another, not like here where even if you see someone you know you put your head down, walk faster and pretend you didn't see them and pray that they didn't see you!
Everyone I met had a story and they weren't ashamed to share it. Everyone who I met had such an obvious faith in and love for God. If I was having a bad day people weren't like 'Lets go for a fag and drink some vodka' (typical English solution to everything) instead they prayed. (The best solution to everything).
Then don't even get me started on the little things like Vogue fags, Dis-chem, Mr Price, and Topdeck! Or the fact that their woolworths (good ol' woolies) is the equivalent to our Marks and Spencers. Romans Pizza, Pap and vetkoek.
I didn't have scales to stand on and being skinny wasn't a priority. If I was having a bad day I was never left to just struggle, nearly every day was a good day and thats never happened before.
I miss South Africa, the amazing people and the sunshine. I miss the church and the chocolate. I miss being myself. Oh take me back...
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