Sunday, 7 April 2013

Sunday Secrets, forgiving and forgetting.

If you haven't heard of postsecret click HERE ... If you can't be bothered to click there (because I know I would be too lazy to) then basically  "PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a homemade postcard." The website gets updated with a new load of secrets every sunday. One of todays secrets was "I forgive my bully, you can too" So i'm going to touch on this slightly.. You could even say that this sunday I'm telling you a secret. 

I recently had a conversation with somebody (at least I think I did, although I can't remember who, I was probably just talking to myself..) about how sometimes you just have to forgive an apology you never received. It doesn't matter what circumstance, or what somebodies done if they don't want to apologize they wont. If you're getting hung up on the fact they haven't apologized then it's only going to affect you, not them.

Forgive and forget.

For me personally forgiving an apology I never have and never will receive has been life changing. Just like it probably has been for the person who sent in that secret. When I was 10 I was sexually assaulted. The thought of it consumed my every day life. I wouldn't let anybody touch me, in case they hurt me, I was scared. Why? Because every time somebody touched me I assumed they were going to do the same. I hadn't forgiven him so I couldn't move on.

For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you." - Matthew 6:14. Now, I am not going to pretend that this made me forgive him, but it was time to move on and this verse certainly helped. I have forgiven him and others who have done me wrong and it has changed my life. I finally know how much a hug can improve my mood rather than panicking and crying every time somebody did as much as even tap me on the shoulder.

But on the other hand forgetting is something that I know that I and a lot of my friends can not do. How can you simply forget something that has impacted your life in such a big way? You can't! The only bad things you should be expected to forget are those bad jokes you get in a cracker at christmas. You can forgive though.
Stop letting those who have hurt you control so much of your life. Whether you're forgiving your husband, mother, brother, abuser, friend, whoever it is and whatever they've done it isn't easy but it's worth it.
 “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother when he sins against me? Up to seven times? “Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.” - Matthew 18:21-22
(I'm still not sure how to end these posts so sorry if it always seem's like I just stop talking, quote something then shut up)

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