Thursday, 11 April 2013


I am drowning, metaphorically speaking obviously.. because my laptop isn't waterproof. I am drowning in a sea of negativity, self hatred and lack of control. (It's okay though, my life guard walks on water)

I want to make a happy post about how things get better, how that actually life is going great and everything is just perfect but then I would be a liar. I want to encourage others who are struggling that they should not give up and that things will get better but how can I say such things when I'm still drowning? How can I say things get better when in reality I'm not sure they do?

My problem is that I focus on the negatives and I know i'm not alone in this. It's easier to think about all the bad things that have happened than the good. I got given a story once, it was about a king or something who sent two of his servants round the palace gardens. The first was told to look for the weeds, the second was told to look for the flowers. When the first one returned he spoke about the ugly weeds that covered the gardens and made them look horrible. When the Second returned he talked about how beautiful the flowers were and how pretty the gardens looked. The message was something like... If you look for weeds (negative things) you are sure to find them, so start looking for the flowers (the positives) and you'll see how beautiful life can be.

While I haven't searched for the weeds I certainly haven't searched for flowers either. I find looking at the positives almost impossible. I could write a whole blog post on why today my mind is filled with weeds, but focusing on them definitely will not make flowers appear. Change your thoughts and you can change your life.

"Everyday might not be good but there's something good in every day"Today might have been a bad day but the fact I didn't do any washing up at the cafe is good (that's the best I could come up with but I did it! - Your turn)

1 comment:

  1. I was read the story about the weeds and flowers the other day. Never really saw it that way, but it's definitely true. J xxx
