Friday, 5 April 2013

Words are powerful.

" Though sticks and stones inflict great pain their hurt will fade away but just one sharp and biting word brings harm that's here to stay. Our words are powerful with them we can build up and encourage or we can tear down and destroy."

I think people don't realize how much their words can impact someone. It might seem like 'banter' to you, but to the person receiving it, it might not be. You might think you're being funny when you say these things but actually the words you say can, in some cases impact a persons life.

With words you can; crush dreams, build hope, make someone smile, make them cry, make them think, encourage, discourage, comfort, compliment, create stories and lies. Words can change lives.

I'm watching 'Finding Nemo' and in this film Marlin (the father fish) constantly tells Nemo (his son) that he can't do things. "You think you can do these things but you just can't Nemo!" Harmless words it might seem, yet Nemo believes them. In a different scene Nemo tells another fish "I can't! I have a bad fin" without even trying.
Nemo has been told he can't do things so he believe's it. - Do you see the point i'm trying to make?
If Marlin built up his sons confidence, instead of tearing it down, Nemo might of believed in himself (Yes I did just write about fictional fish. (i've watched the film 15 times in 3 days, go watch it guys))

Words are powerful. If you call someone fat and they believe you, they could starve themselves to prove you wrong. If you tell someone who's already suicidal to kill themselves, there is a chance they will. If you tell someone they won't be able to do something, they won't even attempt it. If you call someone fat, ugly, useless, worthless or stupid it will hurt them..

I'm not going to pretend I don't hurt people with my words. In fact, I never think before I speak and I'm always finding myself apologizing for cruel words I've said in the heat of the moment. Words that I don't even mean, its something that I need to work on and I'm assuming a lot of other people do to.

Words are powerful, use them wisely. Build up and encourage.

Take a second to think about this...
THINK before you speak. "Is it True, Helpful, Inspiring, Necessary Kind?  

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